Domain of the website
The use of this website as well as any of the services imply reading, understanding and acceptance of the following legal notice by the user.
In compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), reporting on the following legal issues:
The company in charge of this website: ATHADER S.L.
Address: Poligono Industrial Masti Loidi, 17-a, 20100 Rentería, Guipúzcoa, España
E-mail contact:
Teléfono: +34 943 219 199
Tax data: B20435459
Commercial registrer: Tomo: 1273, Libro: 0, Folio: 178.
Previous conditions
These legal terms and conditions regulate the permitted legal use of this website, whose legal responsibility lays in ATHADER SL. These general terms and conditions regulate the access and use that the owner of the web makes available to internet users. The access of the website entails the unqualified acceptance of these terms and conditions. User means anyone that accesses, navigates, uses and/or participates in the website..
The very use of the website, as well as the request for information or the issuance of an order entails full acceptance of the present terms and conditions.
Use of the website
The user undertakes to use the website, services and content of it in accordance to the Law, current Legal Disclaimer, customs and public order.
Likewise, the user undertakes to use them in a diligent, correct and licit form and not contrary to the content of the existing Legal Disclaimer. In particular the user commits itself to refrain from removing, avoiding, or manipulation the Copyright and other identity data and rights of the owner of the contents within this website..
Is expressly prohibited to make adverse actions to the interests or the right of third parties that in any other way can damage, disable, or deteriorate the web, services or to prevent a standard enjoyment of the website by other uses.
The user compromises to not hamper the access to other user access throughout a mass consumption of the informatics resources whereby ATHADER SL provides the service, as well as doing actions that damage, disrupt or generate errors in the systems or services.
The user compromises to not introduce programs, virus, macros or Active X controls or any other logic mechanism or character sequence which can cause or be liable to provoke any kind of alteration in the informatics systems of ATHADER SL or third parties.
The user compromises to not obtain information, messages graphics, drawings, audio or image files, photographs recordings, software or any kind of material accessible through the website or the services offered in it.
It is understood that the access or use of the website through the user implies his consent in the Legal Disclaimer that ATHADER SL has made public in its website, which will always be available for the users.
The user compromises to make an appropriate use of the contents and services that ATHADER SL offers in its website and not to use them to incur in illegal or against good will activities or contrary to law.
Access to the website or passwords
Some of the services or contents offered by ATHADER SL can be bounded to a previous contracting of the service and payment of an amount of money requested in the form in the General Terms and Conditions, which will be to the users disposition in a clear way.
The access and navigation in this website don’t specify the users registration, consequently there’s not personal information collected except for the ones specified in the cookies policy or that the user supplies through a contact form or similars in the website, in which case the data will be treated and stored in the conditions specified in the cookies or privacy policy as applicable.
Change of the conditions of the Legal Notice
ATHADER SL reserves the right to modify or amend this Legal Disclamer. The user recognices and accepts that it is their responsibility to check the website and its Legal Disclaimer.
Guarantee and Limitation of Liability
ATHADER SL compromises to realize the best efforts to guarantee any error that can appear in the website. In any case, ATHADER SL will be exonerated of any responsibility resulted from an eventual error in the contents that can appear in the website.
ATHADER SL does not guarantee that the website and web server are free from virus and is not responsible for the data or damage that can lead to interferences, omissions, interruptions, informatics virus, telephone fault or disconnection of the operational functioning in this electronic system driven by an outside cause to ATHADER SL, by delay or lock in the use of electronic systems caused by deficiency of the telephonic line or overload in the Internet system or other electronic system, as well as data that can also be caused by third parties throughout illegitimates interference uncontrollable by ATHADER SL.
Intelectual and industrial property
Every commercial name, companies or signs of any kind of contents in the websites of the company are property of their respective owners and are protected by law.
All the rights of the intelectual and industrial property of the website and its content (texts, images, sound and audio files, video, designs, creativities, software) belong, as author of the collective project or are transferred to ATHADER SL, or in its case, to third parties.
Public reproduction, distribution and communication are expressly prohibited, including the modality of putting to disposition, from the totality or part of the contents of this website, with commercial purposes, in any support or technical mode, without the authorization of ATHADER SL The user undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property of ATHADER SL and third parties.
As planned in the article 32.1 of the consolidated text of the Intelectual Property Law, ATHADER SL, is expressly opposed to the use of the utilization of any contents of web site with the purpose of transact in other telematics means or in paper format with commercial purposes without the previous authorization of ATHADER SL.
The user can display every element, printed, copied and storage in the hard drive of his computer or in any other physic support, provided that unique and exclusively to his personal and private use thus leaving strictly prohibited to its use with commercial purposes, distribution, as well as its modification, alteration and decompilation.
ATHADER SL provides the access to every kind of information, services, programs and Internet data, that can belong to third parties, in which case ATHADER SL: is not responsible of that content or other claims that can derivate from quality, viability, accuracy or correction of them.
Responsibility for links
The web site doesn’t provide of links or hyperlinks of third parties.
Personal data protection
ATHADER SL adopts technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the data protection of personal information and avoid them being altered, lost, treated, and/or accessed, in view of the current state of the technique, the nature of the data saved and the risks which are exposed, all of this, in accordance with Spanish Law on use of and protection of information of the data protection of personal data.
The user can remit to ATHADER SL their personal data through through the different forms that appear in the web. Those forms incorporate a legal text in protection of Personal Data that is implemented as required by the Organic Law 3/2018, 5th of December, of Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, and the EU Regulation 2016/679.
We ask you to read carefully the legal texts before facilitating your personal data.
Liability exclusion
ATHADER SL assumes no responsibility for any loos or damage suffered by the user or eventual visitor in case of loss of access, as well as any other problems that may arise from a lack of interactivity between the website and its visitors.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
All the issues or conflicts that may arise between ATHADER SL and the user relative to interpretation, compliance, and validity of the present Legal Disclaimer will be subject to the clauses within, and if not regulated within in accordance with Spanish Law, the parties expressly submit themselves to the jurisdiction and competence of the courts and tribunals where ATHADER SL is based.